What's Happening With Fidelity?
Am I the only one, or does it appear to you that virtues are slowly being stripped from society? By virtues I mean those qualities that reflect the presence of God in our lives. I realize that this can't be forced on the world, or godless people, but wasn't character something to be protected at one time? The virtue, or strength of character, that comes to mind is fidelity.
Recently in the news we've had stories of elected officials that have shown themselves unfaithful. News reports have come to us of adultery committed by top ranking state officials. That sad part is that this has become "business as usual". Nothing more is thought of it than a minor infraction. However it discloses a deeper trouble.
The commitment made in any marriage is the second most important promise made. The first being our commitment to Yahweh. I think that if the marriage promise can't or won't be honored, what lessor promises of faithfulness will also be tossed to the wayside? If our elected officials can't be trusted in these larger areas, will they also be untrustworthy in others?
What is really sad is that there isn't much of a difference between the Church and the world. This goes to the question of separation and holiness. Those outside of Christ won't understand the need for godly living until they are brought face to face with Jesus. Yet those in the Church should show a higher standard, because of the higher calling we've received, to walk in a manner that is worthy of what Yahweh has granted us.
In respect to fidelity, here is what scripture tells us;
"It's better not to vow than to vow and not pay" (Ecclesiastes 5:5). Part of the response to the question in Psalm 5 about who would live in Yahweh's tabernacle or holy hill, David says, "He who swears to his own hurt and does not change (his mind). How acceptable has it become to change our minds when a better option presents itself? It's not that way for God's people. When we make promises we have eliminated all other options. When we've promised our lives to another in marriage, all other options for a life mate have been removed. If we promise time for our children, then all other options for that time are gone.
Here is my paraphrase of 1 John 4:20: "If someone says, I'm faithful to God and isn't faithful to his brother, he is a liar. Because he who isn't faithful to his brother, who he has seen, cannot be faithful to God, who he hasn't seen."
Our actions are the light that shines in the darkness. In part it is our determination to fidelity that will set us apart. Here is where the world will see Christ in you. The world, with its decaying virtues, needs to have a positive role model. That would be us.
The world's wisdom is foolishness as far as Yahweh is concerned, so I think it is wise to be faithful especially when the world thinks you're foolish by doing so. To love more, forgive more, and be more generous than the world thinks is wise, is a good path to follow. The world isn't our teacher, Jesus is.
As we lament the world's conditions, watch our own. Keep a sharp and distinct line of separation that shows we, like our Savior, are not of this world.
Chuck Jones