
This is the place to talk about what God is doing, what can be learned from Scripture, or how one may live a more spiritual life, in practical terms.

Location: Pomona, California, United States

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fellowship of the Struggle

This line came to mind as I was preparing a sermon and I thought it had some merit. The phrase says a couple of things for me, maybe you'll agree after reading this.

Starting with the "struggle" part, first I want to describe what we all know too well; life is full of struggles, especially living the life of righteousness. Jesus taught it this way: "The law and the prophets were till John; but then came the preaching of the kingdom of God, and everyone makes his way into it by force" (Luke 16:16). In broad general terms that struggle (or the use of force) is against sin; it's shedding the old man with his (or her) corrupt ways so we can put on Jesus.

We are instructed to, "...put off concerning your former conduct, the old man, which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that you put on the new man which was created according to God in true righteousness and holiness" (Ephesians 4:22-23). This applies, without exception, to everyone. However the personal specifics will be different from person to person.

Paul goes on to identify some specific matters in life that are sources for the struggle: our deceitfulness with others (don't lie), personal gratification (be angry without sinning), selfish self-centeredness (don't steal), destructive language (corrupt words), and our tendency to ignore the Holy Spirit. These categories can be broken down even further as each is applied personally. Isn't it sad to see these things displayed in any congregation? If you say "yes" to that question, get busy looking at your "old man", is he (or she) still hanging around? Are you prepared for the struggle? Shedding the old behavior doesn't happen automatically. It is a struggle and it takes force, but it isn't impossible. You've got what it takes to win. God's given us everything, by His divine power for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). We are winners, but we still must enter the battle.

Take this lopsided illustration for example. What if the Super Bowl champions were to play the Pop Warner champions? There isn't any doubt who would win, but the champions would still have to suit up for, and play the game. That's where we are in our struggle for righteousness; we've been handed a victory, but we have to suit up and get in the game. You can shed the old man regardless of the lies you've heard or the excuses you use.

Getting a handle on this struggle helps in other struggles as well, like dealing with hostile people, an alluring world, loss, or sickness.

Everyone has a story about the struggle whether it's a success or failure. Some choose to remain silent, but there's no help in that. At the least we should be vocal about our struggles with Yahweh, add to that seeking support and guidance from other strugglers and we have the fellowship of the struggle.

Fellowship describes a companion who has something in common, a co-participant (like a team member) who shares the same goal. We are all in this together, we have a common goal of standing before Jesus with joy! This type of fellowship brings together all who struggle, to share the burdens of each other with encouragement, support, and help. Some may find that opening up about their struggles is a struggle in itself. Overcoming that struggle in God's power is liberating. Someone said that a struggle shared is a struggle halved.

Don't avoid the struggle for righteousness, because regardless of your background, you have what it takes to win!

Blessing be on you
Chuck Jones
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