
This is the place to talk about what God is doing, what can be learned from Scripture, or how one may live a more spiritual life, in practical terms.

Location: Pomona, California, United States

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Imagine No Religion

Imagine No Religion

There was a brief article in the paper this week regarding the Freedom From Religion Foundation's billboard message. A picture accompanying the article showed the sign's message: "Imagine No Religion". The co-founder of the foundation is quoted as saying, "This message introduces the belief that our society doesn't need religion to function." The article concluded with a couple of short responses. What follows is mine.

In these sorts of discussions it always a good idea to clarify the definitions that are being use. In the King James Bible the word religion is used only a few times. One place is James 1:26-27. Here the Greek word "threskos" (translated religion) could better be translated worship or service. As religion has today, "threskos, had a double meaning. One was outward ritual the other was worship and service from the heart.

As James says, pure and undefiled religion (or worship) that is acceptable to God is to visit the orphans and widows in their trouble. And to keep separate from the world. Whether we use religion or worship, James' definition stands; "Look out for those less fortunate." I hardly think this is what the Freedom from Religion Foundation is advocating we give up.

For a modern definition, the dictionary tells us that religion is a set of institutionalized attitudes, beliefs, or practices. This may be what the Atheists are apposed to. Religion in this light carries only the trappings of piety. The practices are done wholly for show. In this case the pomp and rituals are empty and meaningless as we will see shortly.

I tend to agree with the Atheists. Hear me out before you judge me. Religion in its institutionalized facade should be allowed to die. These rituals are not the worship of Yahweh. Nor are they the service to others that Jesus championed. Consider the two great commands.

The Old Testament prophets denounced the ritual practices because they didn't affect, nor were they conceived in the heart. In fact Yahweh says, through the prophet Amos (5:21-24) that He hates and despises their sacred assemblies, He will not accept their offerings, or hear their songs. This type of religion is more concerned with controlling behavior by coercion, force and pressure rather than a change of heart. It tends to hypocrisy which is one of the Atheist's complaints.

I realize that some will find offense with this billboard message. There may be some sort of backlash from the institutionalized religious fundamentalists. Those who employ and encourage "religion" will be worried about this threat of people thinking. However, that isn't where their concern should be. They should be worried about what Yahweh, the Great and Awesome God thinks.

Those who worship Yahweh in spirit and truth know He fights for us. We can find confidence in His presence, just as Jesus did. If criticisms arise we can be bold enough to look at them and consider them honestly. There may be something we've over looked.

As I understand the end times, our real challenge will come from those who "have a form of godliness but deny its power." I'm convinced that functioning believers will find the greatest contest with those "who profess to know Yahweh but in works deny Him". I do not believe the primary trouble will come from those who say the God doesn't exist.

Let's hold fast to our faith and live it as worship to the Almighty. What Yahweh desires is truth in the heart, justice toward others with mercy. Not even the Atheists could be against that. Living the truth from the heart will silence the critics as Proverbs 16:7 says, "When a man's ways please Yahweh, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."

Pastor Chuck


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