Covenant Relationship
Covenantal Relationship
Everyone is going to have to answer to God. I've said before that "all roads lead to God, but only one leads to His favorable side!" That favorable side is reserved for His "covenant people.
The word "covenant" may sound strange to us now, but at one tie it was a common word used in legal circles. Much like we use the word "contract' today. As close as that is it isn't exact, it's more like making an arrangement between two parties.
It's for this reason that I counsel an engaged couple that they are entering into a consensual relationship. Marriage is based on our connection to Jesus Christ as the head of the church (see Ephesians 5:22-33), the husband promises to love the wife [as Christ loves the church], and the wife promises to submit to the husband (in the Lord).
From the Old Testament we find covenant used in several places. God made a covenant with Abram in Genesis 15. This may have been done to help Abram know he would inherit the land.
Laben made a covenant with his future son-in-law, Jacob. This was made perhaps because neither one trusted the other (see Genesis 31:44-ff). This was, however, a covenant that God witnessed.
A covenant between two friends was made by David and Jonathan. Jonathan gave David his robe, armor, sword, belt , and bow ( 1 Samuel 18:4). It is as if David became Jonathan by this covenant. Consider this as you think about the armor of God, and marriage.
Another covenant is the one Yahweh made with Israel as He elected Israel, and they in turn accepted the terms of obedience at Sinai, after the exodus from Egypt. They were to acknowledge Yahweh as their King and Deliverer. They did for a short while.
The covenant relationship isn't meant to be simply a legal contract. Consider marriage. It's more than a contract between a man and a women that lists out all the duties of the husband and the wife. That would be impossible. The husband is to love his wife and do what is necessary for her welfare, and likewise the wife is to care for her husband. The covenant relationship of marriage is a promise made by each (or at least it should be) to learn about and care fore each other and no one else!
The "old" covenant Yahweh made with Israel, the law written in stone, was meant to bring His people into fellowship with Him as King. He wanted His people to be free to approach Him. That didn't work because the hearts of the people weren't in it. The ritual became more important than the relationship. Yahweh had to change things.
This is where the 'new' covenant comes into the picture. The Messiah would come for a new covenant. He would show the way, the truth, and the life that Yahweh is pleased with (see Isaiah 42:6 and 49:8). Actually, Jeremiah 31:31 predicts this new covenant when Yahweh's ways are written on our hearts. It's not longer a matter of ritual, but one of relationship. Yahweh is in us, filling us.
If you read Hebrews 8-9 you will read what Jeremiah said. Hebrews 9 shows the difference between the two covenants. Here we find out about the eternal redemption through Christ's blood (vs 12-14). So that those who are in a conventual relationship with Yahweh have the promise of an eternal inheritance (vs 15).
Covenants can be ignored or broken. Trust in this new covenant that Jesus sealed with his blood between you and Yahweh.